No Smoking Day 2021 This year, this day is being celebrated on 10 March. The main purpose of this day is to spread awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption through cigarettes or other methods.

Every year on the second Wednesday of March, No Smoking Day is celebrated, so that people all over the world can be made aware about not smoking. This year, this day is being celebrated on 10 March. The main purpose of this day is to spread awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption through cigarettes or other methods.

Smoking or chewing tobacco is extremely harmful for the body. Due to this, diseases like lung cancer, oral cancer, throat cancer, bronchitis etc. are caused. So it is very important that you decide not to smoke or consume tobacco on this No Smoking Day. If you really want to leave it, then these 5 tips can help you.

Pick a date to get rid of tobacco products

To quit smoking, first you have to promise yourself that you will quit smoking. Then choose a date, which is better if it is around, so that you do not change your mind. Throw away cigarette packets, lighters, ashtrays, rolling tobacco and everything related to smoke from the house so that your mind does not turn to smoking again.

Stay away from things that remind you of smoking

People usually smoke with alcohol, or smoke with morning tea, after eating food or else one starts to feel like smoking the country. Identify all these triggers and try to stay away from them.

Distract yourself

If you feel like smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco, then focus your attention elsewhere. You can watch TV, listen to music, exercise or dance to your favorite song, go for a walk or even ask a friend to talk about it. You should do anything that can take care of smoking out of your mind. Also, eat healthy food, include fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Find something else instead of cigarette

You can chew chewing gum, put mint pills in the mouth, or anything that removes the thought of smoking from your brain.

Don’t stress

Research has shown that stress is the cause of smoking. So try to keep a distance from stress. If this is not possible, consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. For more information about this, please consult your doctor.

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